Spring Exercise Safety

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Spring Exercise Safety


Spring has sprung and soon everyone will take their exercise routines outside. There is nothing better than a good workout with the sun shining down on you and the fresh air filling your lungs. However, with all exercise, there are certain measures you should take to stay safe and prevent injury. NARA has compiled a short list of things you can do to get the most out of your workout this spring.

1.   Start Slow

Almost everyone knows what it’s like to wake up the next day after a workout and feel sore. However, what you may not know is that this can lead to injury. Whether you had a resolution to get in shape or you’re trying out a new sport, it’s best to take things slow but steady. Many injuries are caused by people who tried to do too much, too soon. The key is to start slow, doing manageable exercises and slowly building up your strength, which builds a strong base.

2.   Mix it Up

It seems like TV shows with sport or exercise competitions feature crazy athletes with arm muscles that seem to defy limits. However, only focusing on one muscle group, like arms, is not the best way to build fitness or avoid injuries. First, those kinds of results aren’t something you should expect from a well-balanced workout routine. Secondly, focusing on one muscle group will lead to those muscles to become fatigued, which is what commonly leads to many injuries. Focusing on multiple muscle groups is not only safer, but smarter, as it helps you become well-rounded and reduces the risk of injury.

3.   Pick a Pal

One of the easiest ways to stay safe and stay consistent is to find a friend to workout with or a class to attend. Having a friend to spot you or watch your form while exercising not only keeps you safe, but it can also hold you accountable in order to achieve your goals. The same can be said about attending a class. With a certified instructor there to guide you, you can avoid injuries by getting knowledgeable feedback in real-time.

The weather is warming up and so is your exercising. With a few quick tips, you can make sure you get the most out of your workout without pushing the limits. As always, reach out to your doctor or physical therapist for the best recommendations for your specific needs and goals.