What is NARA?

Home About NARA What is NARA?

Who We Are

The National Association of Rehab Providers & Agencies (NARA) represents more than 90,000+ therapists, rehab providers, and rehab support organizations across the country ranging from rehab agencies, private practices, schools and athletic organizations to inpatient and adult living and skilled nursing facilities. As members, providers have access not only to educational opportunities, but advocacy, legislative updates and other regulatory efforts directly impacting the rehabilitation industry.

NARA is a unique association because we meet the needs for all therapy disciplines in all therapy settings.  Our members benefit from the collective knowledge shared through networking and educational opportunities created and developed by NARA. These opportunities allow members to learn best practices for running their rehab business more efficiently so they can serve all their stakeholders in the most effective ways.

Since rehabilitation providers businesses are impacted significantly by legislation, NARA works closely with DLA Piper in Washington, D.C. to make the voices of our members and the patient's they serve heard on Capitol Hill.  



What We Stand For


Mission Statement

To share knowledge, support, and resources in the Rehabilitation Industry uniting clinical excellence and successful business management.




Core Values

NARA serves its members by following our organization’s core values, which include:

  • Sharing knowledge
  • Advocacy
  • Operations focused
  • Value-based
  • Building relationships
  • Compliance-driven
  • Entrepreneurial



Why Become A Member

Our members are therapy providers, ancillary support organizations and are local, regional or national based. 


NARA’s Logo

The NARA Logo

NARA’s logo is to answer three simple questions:
Who is NARA?
Who does NARA represent?
How is NARA involved in Rehabilitation?

Each element of our logo helps answer these three questions. Take a moment and see what each component of our logo represents.

  • The stars represent our sister organizations and the regulatory bodies NARA works with to advocate and support the interests of our members and their businesses.
  • The eclipses represent physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.
  • The Capitol Building represents DLA Piper, who keep NARA connected to the pulse of legislative happenings that impact our members and industry.
  • The circle created  by the stars and eclipses illustrate that NARA recognizes and supports the many aspects that come together to create the Rehabilitation Industry.
  • NARA is the shortened name or “nickname” of the Association.
  • The arch line represents our coverage of all settings where therapy is delivered, from outpatient to hospital, from skilled nursing facility to schools, from home health to occupational health.
