Therapy Providers

Home Membership Therapy Providers


Becoming a Member

If your business is providing direct therapy services to patients, including services for physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech and language pathology, you’re eligible for NARA membership as an Active Industry Provider. This membership is available to anyone offering therapy services in a variety of settings, including outpatient facilities, inpatient hospitals, skilled-nursing facilities, adult living facilities, home health and more.

Do you provide support for therapy providers? Check out our Associate Member information!

Therapy Provider Benefits

As an active industry provider, a NARA membership offers you several benefits, including:

  • Resources and network for all therapy settings and disciplines 
  • Ready-made network of rehab leaders to collaborate and connect with on the business of rehab
  • Access to our website’s exclusive members area which includes access to all Town Hall and SIG call meeting topics and resources, historical complimentary webinars, and membership directory
  • NARA eAlerts for legislative and industry updates - for unlimited members of your staff
  • Participation for any/all of your staff in the monthly Town Hall calls for up to the minute resources and industry updates
  • Participation in Special Interest Group (SIG) calls (includes SNF, Outpatient, Home Health, Acute/Hospital, Compliance, Pediatrics, Revenue Cycle and Leadership). These calls are an opportunity for your employees to connect and collaborate with peers in the industry.
  • Member discount pricing for conference registrations and webinars
  • Exclusive webinars with DLA Piper lobby team
  • QUAD A 10% membership discount
  • Participation in development of comments for regulatory comments
  • Access to advocacy campaigns and resources so you have a louder more effective voice with your Congressional Members
  • Voting privileges at NARA’s annual business meeting in the spring
  • Eligibility for election to a board position
  • Participation in NARA committees as a member or chair

Elite Member Benefits

  • Additional discount off membership rates for conference registration  
  • Complimentary attendance to webinars during membership year
  • Recognition at conferences
  • Use of NARA logo on member website
  • Member logo and link on NARA’s website

Membership Costs

Therapy Provider membership rates are based on the number of people employed at your organization. There is a flat rate for Elite Members.

LevelEmployeesAnnual Fee
AC 11 - 10$ 1,100.00
AC 211 - 30$ 1,900.00
AC 331 - 50$ 2,500.00
AC 4Over 50$ 3,400.00
Elite $ 5,500.00

*A portion of your membership dues are used for lobbying expenses in support of the rehab industry; thus, each year only a portion of your membership dues is deductible.

**FTEs are employees included in your rehab business.  All employees have the ability to take advantage of the NARA benefits including eAlerts, Industry updates, discounts for conference registrations, discounts for webinars, registration for audio conferences, participation in our Special Interest Group calls, access to the members only site, etc. 

Become an  NARA Member

If you’re interested in starting a membership with NARA and taking advantage of all the benefits and educational opportunities we offer, you can complete the online form (click here).