National Physical Therapy Month: How PT Can Benefit You as You Age

Home Blog National Physical Therapy Month: How PT Can Benefit You as You Age

October isn’t just the month for the change of seasons and spooky festivities, it’s also National Physical Therapy Month! National Physical Therapy Month is celebrated each year in October to raise awareness around the benefits of physical therapy and to recognize the incredible, life-changing work that physical therapists do. To celebrate, we are going to share with you the benefits of physical therapy, specifically as you age. Keep reading to learn more!  

How Aging Affects Your Mobility  

As you age, your risk of facing mobility challenges increases, which can lead to you becoming less active. This can prevent you from continuing to do the things you love such as gardening, painting, going for walks, and other activities. These mobility challenges can also impact your ability to complete everyday tasks such as using the bathroom and getting ready for the day, impacting your independence. Although these challenges can be daunting, physical therapy can help to reduce these obstacles and allow you to live your life to the fullest as you age. 

The Benefits of Physical Therapy as You Age  

  • Enhanced Independence: Physical therapy empowers you to stay active, increase your strength, and move confidently. With the increased mobility you can experience with physical therapy, you can complete your everyday tasks such as cleaning, doing laundry, getting dressed, and using the bathroom with ease. 

  • Enhanced Safety: As you age, you are more susceptible to falls and injuries due to loss of muscle strength, flexibility, and mobility. With the help of physical therapy, you can rebuild your strength, improve your posture, and maintain your stability. Your physical therapist will teach you how you can maintain an active lifestyle safely, reducing your risk of falls and injuries. 

  • Chronic Pain Management: Chronic conditions such as arthritis, nerve pain, and osteoporosis become more common as you age. Physical therapy can help you manage your pain with or instead of medication alone. Oftentimes, the prescription medications used to treat chronic conditions can come with many side effects and be costly. Physical therapy helps you rebuild and preserve your strength and mobility, which can help reduce the strain on your joints and reduce pain without the need for harsh medications. 

  • Enhanced Recovery: If you do experience a fall, illness, or injury, physical therapy can help you recover effectively. Your physical therapist can help you improve your range of motion, reduce pain, and prevent complications. Attending physical therapy after an injury can help you regain your ability to walk, sit, stand, and other motor skills.  

When it comes to aging, physical therapy is an extremely powerful tool offering both physical and mental health benefits. By enhancing your independence, increasing your safety, managing your chronic pain, and aiding in recovery, physical therapy can empower you to age gracefully. Happy National Physical Therapy Month!