Posted On: June 28, 2021 by NARA in:

Arthritis is a well-known disease that affects people across the globe. But did you know that it also affects children? In fact, 1 in 1000 children will be diagnosed with juvenile arthritis (JA) in the US alone. This National Juvenile Arthritis Month, we at NARA want to discuss how various physical therapy activities can help relieve symptoms.
How Exercise Can Help
Stretching and exercising are great for everyone, not just those with JA. However, it can be of even greater benefit to those needing arthritis treatment. An increase in physical activity helps with a wide array of issues, including:
Controlling pain
Strengthening muscles for joint support
Keeping joints flexible
Helping to maintain a healthy weight
Improve sleep and energy levels
What Exercises Can Help
Helping a child with arthritis can not only ease some of their pain but also fill them with the confidence to complete everyday activities. Typically, there are four recommended methods:
Range of motion exercises
Strengthening exercises
Cardiovascular fitness
Utilizing these methods together as a part of an overall wellness plan can do wonders for the patient’s general health. Improving joint motion while reducing stiffness can allow the child greater independence by reducing pain. Also, the inclusion of both isometric and isotonic exercises is effective in strengthening the muscles for even greater stability and control.
This National Juvenile Arthritis Month, we want to bring awareness to a disease that affects hundreds of thousands of kids across the globe. Increasing a child’s health and strength are crucial in the fight against JA symptoms. For more information about juvenile arthritis, click here. To learn more about NARA and join other like-minded professionals, discover more here.