Posted On: September 6, 2018 by NARA in:

Workplace burnout happens to the best of us. Even when working in the most emotionally rewarding places, the stress can take its toll - particularly in the healthcare industry. Mayo Clinic defines workplace burnout as “a state of physical, emotional or mental exhaustion combined with doubts about your competence and the value of your work.” Given the increasing shortage of healthcare professionals, the odds of you experiencing workplace burnout are higher than others.
Are you feeling fatigued, anxious, forgetful or suffering from insomnia? These are some of the symptoms of burnout. However, you do not have to be stuck in this spot! Here are some tips that can help you overcome this stressful time and help reduce the likelihood of getting to this point in the future.
1. Recognize the Problem
You may have heard people say that the first step is admitting you have a problem. This is the case for workplace burnout as well. Some workers are in such a state of commotion, they don’t take the time to reflect and realize that they are not in a good place emotionally. This can cause a snowball effect that may lead to depression. This is why it’s a good idea to address these issues with yourself and your employer. Once you have identified the problem, you can work on building a solution.
2. Surround Yourself with Inspiration
This may be as simple as adding some photos around your office, or creating a memory board that you look at as you get ready for work. Fill it with photos of patients that you have helped or their thank you cards. The idea is to surround yourself with visual reminders of why you chose this profession and why you do what you do. Remember that you are changing lives and society, even when it might not feel like it at times. Here are some great examples of memory and inspiration boards.
3. Don’t Forget About YOU
What you do is important and worthwhile. With that said, many healthcare professionals feel guilty or forget about taking time for themselves. It’s hard to take time for simple things for yourself when you are helping others with hardships. Yet, this is a vital step in avoiding burnout. Give yourself permission to add a self-care routine into your schedule. Whether it’s a few minutes of meditation or a daily run, add something that nourishes you mentally.
4. Build a Support System
This might be with coworkers, friends or family. Find a support system where you are able to safely speak about your feelings openly, instead of keeping everything locked up. You are likely not alone in your struggle. Consider reaching out to others in the medical field as they know exactly where you are coming from. Letting it out can be one of the best ways to overcome burnout.
Utilizing any or all of these tips is a brave step in creating the life you want! If you’re still looking to build a support system, attend our Fall Conference to connect with other professionals in the rehabilitation field.